What I am attempting to do is lay the foundation for a separation of sex identities by types of clothing worn. In other words, let each person wear whatever he pleases. If both sexes were free to wear high or low heels, sox or nylons, skirts, capris, blouses or shirts, etc., it would correct some of the difficulties and give greater freedom to everyone. It seems to me that the public would be more likely to accept such a thing than it would to accept outright imitation of females by males, as there is always a dislike for deceit, no matter how altruistic. I am afraid that the concept of the superiority of the male is so deeply engrained on religious bases that the dual personality concept you are attempting to attain tolerance for will be very slow in coming.
Though I have gone to occasional Halloween. parties dressed as a girl (and won prizes at them), I would dislike having to do it all the time. The cloth- ing is pretty, but it is hard to take care of, too hot during the summer, and it takes too long to put it on and take it off. Make-up presents the same situation: Although it is capable of striking changes in one's appearance, continual practice appears mandatory, and it is time consuming.
Left to my own inclinations, I favor variety. Once in awhile I would go to full costume to either extreme, but most of the time comfort, convenience, and my feelings of the moment would govern. Per- haps a composite costume would prevail. During warm weather, perhaps shirt, bermudas, nylons and heels for lounging around......... R. F., Utah
Dear Virginia:
After a somewhat carefree summer indulging in my rather moderate feminine wardrobe, necessity and my circumstances force me behind locked doors again. And though our association has been a brief one, I cannot express what it means to me now that I have returned to my shell.
Living alone for several months in a large house,